Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Well, we are out only a few days before we leave for Rochester, MN. Maddy is really excited and keeps telling all of her friends we are getting her tummy fixed. I just pray we get an answer and things become clear on what needs to be done! On another issue, we finally might have our house issue all wrapped up. We have had the house on the market since last April. We seem to have negotiated a great deal with a local builder to buy our house and us one of his. Joe just loves the area with all the trees. Our lot backs up to a park and has lots of trees. I think we will all be really happy there once we get moved in! So hopefully this is one thing I can check off of my stress list. Now on the great side!!! My brother is getting married this fall in Alaska!!! We are so excited! They will both be moving from Reno soon and Pat already has a job there so now Terri is going to begin looking for one. Now we just have to figure out how to pay to get there with the kids!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Beginning of Good News

We took Maddy to her pediatrician and he seemed fine with us going to Mayo. He took lots of notes and is going to write a letter diagraming her care up until this point. We both felt really relieved that he was supportive. Unfortunately, Maddy is a bit under the weather so she isn't up to much right now.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

More throwing up

Last night as we were putting Maddy to bed she threw up several times. I keep thinking we will be getting an answer soon so just hang in there little girl!!! She really has high spirits and keeps telling everyone, "I am going to a new hospital and they are going to fix me!" Everyone morning she asks me if today is the day we leave, but I keep telling her not yet, about four more weeks!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Ok, so this is probably really silly, but I am actually nervous about talking to my pediatrician regarding our Mayo trip. I feel like a kid about to be scolded for jumping to conclusions or not asking permission. My husband has also informed me he cannot go after I called him last week and begged him to get it on his schedule. He probably doesn't feel it is that important and that I can totally handle this. Really, he is probably right.

On another note, we did get our packet today from Mayo so we are technically ready to go. I filled out all the paperwork and just need to make copies of insurance info to send back to them. In the mean time I am trying to get ahold of all the documents that I need to take to Rochester with me. I had the hardest time at KU Medical Center. I must have gotten the grouchiest clerks today. One just about jumped through the phone at me for my request. Anyhow, another day tomorrow!

Nite all!

In the Beginning

Ok, so I am new to blogging, but want to help other parents out there too!! What started as a simple visit to the Doctor has turned into a two year long quest for answers. We started at the pediatrician wondering why our two year old's breath always smelled like vomit. He diagnosed her withe reflux and we began taking prescription medication to control. After months of this not helping, we were sent to a Pediatric Gastronenterologist. We have spent 1 1/2 years going through tests, drugs, and various consultations.

This year, I set my New Year's Resolution to find out how to help her. Most people don't see this as that serious, and it isn't compared to life threatening diseases, but it is having a huge impact on her life. She is constantly complaining that her mouth and throat burn, her tummy hurts, and her friends (now that she is 4 1/2) and talking about her smelling bad.

So this past week I finally got up the nerve to say "enough is enough!" I started researching acid reflux in children and realized that our next step was Mayo Clinic. I immediately called up there and by the grace of God, after being told we wouldn't have an appointment for 6-9 months, got in for this February. I booked it ecstatically!!!! Maddy and I leave on February 3, to travel to Minnesota for the beggining of our quest for a solution.

After searching the web, I have come to realize how hard it is to find other people in our situation. Do you or don't you go for the second/third opinion?!?! and What is really wrong with our daughter when all of the tests come back benign and completely normal?!?!

Also, after booking our trip, I began getting phone calls from both of our doctors offices wanting to either repeat tests or put her on more medication for motility when her motility tests came back normal. As it is now she is on more acid reducing medication than a grown-up is. I keep thinking "NO!!! I am not putting her on more drugs not knowing what the long term scenario is!"

So this year I am going to start standing up for my kids and think of them first, not rely on my doctors thinking that they ALWAYS have the answers, or doing the "let's wait and see, maybe we need to give it more time" approach!

I will keep you posted as to what is happening with her and our quest. Wish me luck too, as our pediatrician requested that we meet with him tomorrow before we make "any rash decisions." Whatever!!!!!